Friday, September 23, 2016

A Quote By Monet

Image result for claude monet quote
This quote is from an artist named Claude Monet and was the founder of French impressionist paintings. He made many famous paintings of water lilies and compared how water lilies are nothing without water as he is with art.
 Many people are dedicated and are passionate of what they do, and could not go on if it's such a big part of their life. Such as Claude having art as a huge part of his life. I mostly think this quote goes out for students as they cannot live without someone they truly care about, and that person who gives them love and support back.
Continue what you love to do most and work hard, Stay with the people that make you happy and a better person.


  1. I like your welcoming to your blog, though I also like the quote you decided to pick. Not to mention, very nice background.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
