Thursday, April 13, 2017

Special Tribute

Of course this special tribute goes out to the most special people in my life, my parents. They're the first people that came to mind. I'm going to start off by saying that they are amazing. Many parents are wonderful, but I will always feel incredibly blessed and happy to have mine. I don't always tell them how much they mean to me but they're in my heart at all times. To me, my dad is someone who can always make me smile or laugh really hard. He makes up random jokes all the time and it somehow makes me laugh so much. No matter how goofy he can be, my dad is very caring, understanding, and intelligent. He's always there for me whenever I want to talk about anything. I'm always comfortable talking to him. He always knows what to say to me and teaches me new things that I can use in life. He's really a great dad. Every time I watch him take care of my brothers it makes me miss my memories I had with him when I was little, like learning how to swim. I love spending time with my dad. We would be watching movies late at night on the couch laughing or getting into scenes which mean so much to me. Then we have my lovely mama. I would love to say that she's an amazing cook. I'd choose my mom's food over any other 5 star restaurant. She also very hardworking. I'm thankful she's here to help my brothers and me. She knows me very well, truly I don't know how she can read my mind half of the time. My mom gives her all to me and my family. I really couldn't ask for more from my mom. I'd gladly take care of her like she does to us and love her 100 times more. I find my mother very sweet from the way she looks out for others and by showing her beautiful smile. I'm grateful to have a smart, caring, and content mother. Overall I love and appreciate my parents so much. So thank you mom and dad for supporting me and my brothers. Don't mind me being a crazy and moody teenager you have every right getting frustrated with me at times. Although in the end, I'll go out of my way for you two to receive the love and respect that you guys 100% deserve.

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